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Job Posting Post your museum jobs with Global Museum and reach thousands of prospects around the world. With more than 21 years serving the profession, Global Museum has the 'street cred' other sites crave! Non Profits Non Profits posting a job for themselves are FREE ! Global Museum will post a position vacancy on this site at no charge for non profit and charitable entities, providing that no more than two postings are made in a four week period. A donation is encouraged to help support this site. Non Profits making more than two postings in a four week period will be charged $US50 through Paypal for the 3rd and any subsequent postings. Note: Postings from Non Profits that direct to commercial agencies or professional consultants will be deemed to be commercial and will be invoiced at commercial rates . Commercial & Professional Agencies Commercial, Non-Charities & Professional Agencies posting jobs will receive an invoice for payment via PAYPAL for this service. A job listing costs $90 for 1 month, less than half of what others charge! This modest investment delivers: – A job listing on our website which is visited by thousands every month – We promote job listings to our 4,800+ X/Twitter followers. 1.4K Mastodon followers and 2,800 Facebook fans – Our LinkedIn page has 4,500 members and jobs are promoted there as well. |
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